Thursday, June 19, 2014

Gotta love this cover!

Available from 5 Prince Publishing
Genre: Fiction, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology, Fantasy, Historical
Release Date: June 19, 2014
Digital ISBN-10: 1631120522 ISBN-13: 978-1-63112-052-7
Print ISBN-10: 1631120530 ISBN-13: 978-1-63112-053-4

Purchase link :

About Katrina Sisowath
Katrina Sisowath, née Little, (1979--) was born in Frankfurt, Germany to an English father and American mother. Her formative years were spent in South-East Asia before returning to England to finish her studies. Deciding to follow in her father's footsteps, she enrolled in a University in China hoping to become a Mandarin-English translator. Visiting her father in 1999 who was living in Cambodia resulted in her meeting her future husband, settling down and opening a preschool. The couple has since chosen to return to England for their daughters' education.

On a personal level, Katrina is an avid book reader and loves mythology, history (preferably together), ancient civilizations and anything to do with occult ideologies and practices. Mages, Serpent Priestesses and the 'real' Gods, aka the ANNUNAKI (the prototypes for those we know today in the form of Greek, Roman, Indian and even the Biblical characters) are all addressed on her website  Included are descriptions of Dragons, reptilian lords, consciousness altering drinks and powders along with what the scarlet clad priestesses really got up to in their sacred chamber.

How to reach Katrina Sisowath
Twitter: @ksDragonCourt
Facebook: The Annunaki and the Dragon Court

Excerpt of Serpent Priestess of the Annunaki
The child sat staring at the setting sun, a slight frown marring the otherwise placid expression on her face. To a casual observer she would appear to be contemplating the mysteries of the universe, but to her long-suffering nurse she was merely demonstrating yet again the obstinance for which she was now legendary amongst the confederation of governesses and tutors, this one being the third in her short life.
Appealing to her parents brought no relief as they were firmly of the opinion childhood was all too short for an Annunaki child and the responsibilities and training began all too soon, so there was no harm in letting her be a child for as long as possible. This was not the common belief or practice amongst the elite of Nibiru, but her parents were as stubborn as she.
“Ninkha-nata you must come down from your perch and return home. Your betrothed and his parents have returned from Planet Tiamut and your presence is required at this evening's festivities.”
"I have no wish to meet him, I don't want to marry him and I especially don't want to move to that dreadful place. Whatever shall I do there? I heard they have no cities, no parties and no festivals or tournaments!"
Her nurse smothered the urge to throw her riding crop at the petulant child and calmly said, “You know you won't be married to him for many years yet, it is only to be presented to him and his family to see whether or not you like the look of him. If not, you can always tell your parents to cancel it. I should think House Samael to be fortunate to avoid you as a daughter by marriage."
Ninkha shrugged, smoothed her riding clothes and climbed down from her favourite tree with as much dignity as a 15 year old with the last vestiges of puppy fat could muster. She was of average height for a girl with the promise of further growth to come.
She approached Stethos, her mount, and instantly her mood changed. He was her birth-mate, hatched on the same day as her birth, and in accordance with the traditions of the Annunaki, they were bonded at once with a symbolic transfusion of blood through their umbilical cords. A male Annunaki was bonded with a female dragon and a female Annunaki with a male. This was to promote a symbiotic whole with male/earth/fire/dark and the opposite female/sky/water/light fused into one being.
 Where dragons came from or how the tradition started no one quite knew. Legends were many but as with all things legendary time erases much. The most common belief was that an ancient militant priest had been driven high into the mountains of Faliel on the planet of Mas during the Great War. The enemy had routed the Annunaki forces till they were scattered through the forests and mountains. The enemy stopped pursuit at the base of the mountain range for fear of the dragons who inhabited it as they were flesh-eaters. This priest, driven by desperation, took his chances.
Whilst hiding in the uppermost reaches of the tree line for forty days, he was compelled by hunger to look for food. He happened across an unguarded dragon's nest and thought to take an egg. But something unanticipated happened: it hatched and the little chick, upon seeing him, immediately bonded to him as though he was her mother. Try as he might, he could not rid himself of her and neither could he bring himself to roast her. So they remained together, each helping the other survive until the rescue ship arrived. By this time attachment was so strong he brought her with him and she grew into a formidable beast, accompanying him into battle.
 The other Annunaki decided this was a most prodigious turn of events and an expedition was raised to gather more dragons’ eggs. After much trial and error, the dragons came to regard Nibiru as their home and were able to populate the planet, hence the ability to pair each Annunaki with a dragon.
"Hello Stethos, who's my boy? Did you miss me?" Ninkha cooed as she pressed her face against her beloved bonded. Stethos raised his head; sending a ripple of scales cascading from the top of his head to his feet. He was ruby-red with blue and greed jewel toned shimmers on his under-belly. She thought him the most beautiful dragon there ever was. He snorted with delight, flickering his tongue, eagerly awaiting the treat he knew she had for him. She went to her saddle bag and pulled out the leg of lamb she had pilfered from cook earlier that day. Stethos whinnied and sent out a stream of fire in anticipation of his favourite treat.
"Catch" Ninkha cried. Stethos jumped, clasping the leg in his strong jaws, swallowing it whole
Nurse Gaia mounted her bonded, Pecharus, and said in the sternest voice she dared, "Ninkha-Nata, you must come NOW!! Your ladies wait to bathe and dress you. We must not keep Lord Anu waiting. He is not as patient as your parents"
Ninkha sighed, mounted her steed and whispered affectionately into his ear, "Fly my lovely--let's see if she can keep up.” Stethos spread his powerful wings and together they flew into the setting sun.
Looking down over the city of Aden she couldn't imagine ever having to leave her beautiful home
There were two centres of learning and doctrine for the majority of the Annunaki known as the Temple of the Fountain of Youth and the Temple of the Tree of Life, though there were those who followed the destructive energies as was their prerogative. These were known as Mulla Xul.
The Annunaki believed there must be a balance in nature for all to thrive and with creation came destruction. Some leaned towards the light of the sun or moon to create and heal, while others sought the secrets and mysteries of that which was hidden. Many things that were needful to Nibiru were discovered by the Mulla Xul and to eradicate them would be self-destructive. A society cannot exist in the light by pretending they have no need of the dark or that it is evil, they had need of those who discovered the power of the sun to use in weapons, or the poisons of the herbs that only bloomed in certain phases of the moon that also had healing properties when combined with other herbs.. Only when an Annunaki was harmed or Nibiru threatened was punishment meted out, to whoever had caused the harm--no matter their proclivities.
The government buildings housing the departments of war, science and discovery, health, and education were built in the first ring surrounding the two temples. The High Families had their houses in the next ring which formed the centre of the axle around which the city was formed. From the air one could see both the ever-widening rings and the 'spokes' which were large avenues that were laid in a direct line from the centre to the outermost ring. Each of those 'spokes' divided the city into sections with each industry allotted one section and a colour used for all the buildings in each division--seven in all. This allowed for practicality as if one needed a new garment one just went to the part of the city where clothes were made. In that section one found the raw wool, silk and linen importers, cloth dyers, weavers, tailors and seamstresses.
The only time there was a tumult was during the yearly tournaments which were held outside the city grounds. On those days there was no work and people were free to mingle, eat and drink to their hearts content.
Ninkha looked forward to these festivities as did many of her compatriots. The thrill of the best and boldest pitting their skills against each other in a test of daring and bravado, each charging the other on their dragon with swords known as Shuhadaku set aflame by the sacred fire. The competitors would be clothed in white loincloth with golden sandals, armbands, breastplate and helmet completing the look. A shield with the insignia of the house of the competitor afforded some protection to him/herself and means of identification to the spectators.
It was the dream of every Annunaki to compete in the tournament, once they had passed their 3 trials and were accepted as full Annunaki and no longer children. Exceptions were given to those who had been identified from an early age as having a special gift and were to be trained as Priests, Priestesses or Healers. These were considered sacred and the shedding of their blood forbidden. Ninkha, having been identified as strong in the Healing arts was automatically excluded from participation.
Ninkha wiped a tear from her eye as the two women rose ever higher, their backs to the setting sun. She would not let anyone see her cry but she could let nurse feel her displeasure. It would not do to greet her future in-laws in her present mood, so she nudged Stethos and pulled his reins up. He knew what she wanted; having felt her rage and sense of helplessness and responded. Up and up they flew, ever higher reaching past the point Annunaki were safe to fly until she could  see the many stars twinkling in the black of eternal night. Looking down through the clouds she beheld Aden bathed in the light of a receding sun, soft and golden. She heard nurse ordering her to come down that instant, but the voice was distant, as through a body of water. She held her breath for a moment: Stethos dipped his nose towards the ground and down they flew, gathering speed, the clouds, nurse, other dragons and vehicles a blur, the cupola of the Temple of Youth coming up closer and closer until just before they impacted the crystal dome Stethos pulled up and resumed flying in a 'normal' fashion, one nurse would approve, perpendicular to the buildings rather than hurtling towards it as some sort of missile. She had first played this game with friends at the age of 5 jumping off treetops and she had never tired of it. As they grew older the heights grew as well until she was the only one left, the others having admitted defeat. She never once closed her eyes, as her friends did.


Enki and his brother Enlil were in the courtyard of their house on Nibiru, having returned from Planet Tiamut the previous evening and spending 12 hours in the Chamber of Purification, necessary as the changes in atmospheric pressure could have adverse effects without a re-balancing of energy and breath intake. It was also feared Annunaki, animal or plant, could bring disease or blight to Nibiru without proper checks by the Priests. As much of a necessity as it was, the two brothers nevertheless found confinement torturous and revelled in the freedom once the doors were opened.
The Annunaki's airship was used to travel between planets and solar systems. It was huge and rather unwieldy, thus making turns and landings difficult but it could travel far at great speeds. It was divided into three parts: the command centre was a golden sphere which housed the sleeping and eating quarters of the Annunaki. Next was a long arrow-shaped object in which the dragons and animals were housed and supplies were stored. Finally, there was a finlike structure that propelled the airship forward using a fuel source that had run low on Nibiru but was plentiful on Tiamut. This was used during takeoff but once they entered a solar system the Annunaki had devised a method of harnessing the Sun's gravitational pull to slingshot through space, switching to fuel to move on to the next system.
"Free at last" Enki shouted as he stumbled out, half blinded, into the sun. His older brother, Enlil, paused at the doorway, taking time to rearrange his robe and become accustomed to the light before venturing into the open air. Both boys were tall, with the long limbs and defined musculature that spoke of hours spent at practice in the martial arts and less time spent at the desk studying with their tutors. Enki's features were perhaps a little more rugged, his forehead and nose slightly broader than Enlil's, but both had the same intense gaze from the same pair of dark eyes, the same manner of lifting one eyebrow when they expressed disbelief and the same smile that took women's breath away when directed at them. A strong jaw and mop of black curly hair completed their look, though Enki was prone to declaring he'd rather "shave the whole lot off" when he tired of the heat of Planet Tiamut.
"Must you behave in such a manner, you embarrass yourself", Enlil muttered as he caught up to Enki, who was engaged in a body roll with Rexar, one of their hunters.
"Come now Enlil, we're home, it is time to reward ourselves after all our effort."
“And turn myself into a laughingstock like yourself?  NEVER! I'd rather spend 12 more hours in the chamber"
At that point the boys heard the familiar whinnies of their bonded who had just been released from their Purification Chamber and rushed over to comfort them. As torturous as it was for them, it was even more terrifying to dragons, who would have to be subdued with chains else in their terror they attack one another.
The bond between Annunaki and dragon was stronger than man and wife, it lasted for life. Emotions and sensations were shared, especially pain, hence the strictest punishment enforced on those who attacked or injured another's dragon, unless at a tournament or in war. An Annunaki and his/her bonded dragon were as a team, but could also move and think as one. If one felt his energy flagging during battle, the other channelled his/her energy into their bonded, sustaining them.
The greatest wish was for every Annunaki was to die with one's dragon and for many that came true, whether in fighting or at peace. An Annunaki's worst fear was to outlive one's dragon for a lengthy amount of time as an Annunaki without one's dragon was considered less than whole, crippled and defenceless. A dragon without its bonded also did not fare well, and many chose to follow its bonded into death at the funeral rites rather than retire to the settlement outside Aden
"Hush Nahla, you're safe. It's all over", Enki soothed. Nahla shivered and shook herself as if to relieve herself from the nightmare she had just woken from. "Shall we go for a ride? Take a look at the tournament ground?"
Enlil smiled and petting Mardoh said, "Why not? Mardoh needs to stretch her wings. Perhaps we could throw in a little practice before dinner."
The two boys fetched their practice weapons, saddled their bonded and prepared to mount. Belil, their father's steward came rushing over, "Masters Enki and Enlil, where are you going? You must prepare for tonight's festivities"
"We're just going for a fly-over; we will be back in one turning of the dial."
The boys mounted, their dragons unfolding their wings and began beating in time, revelling in the movement after days spent confined on the craft and in the chamber. Belil smiled, inclined his head and said, "Very well, your attendants will await you upon your return."
Flying over Aden they engaged in a race weaving in and out of the buildings and spires, under bridges, over towers, skimming over the water, getting as close as they dared to people and objects on the ground without actually touching them. It was a game they often played, one that required not only speed, but also dexterity, skill and bravery. Enki was the faster and more daring of the two, but Enlil was far more shrewd and less likely to end up crash landing or requiring the services of the master healer after miscalculating the distance between himself and an object.
Lord Anu often despaired of his son's propensity to self-harm and wondered if he was marrying the right son to Lord Amun and Lady Isa's daughter. Enlil may have been the elder of the two brothers, but he was the son of Lord Anu's younger wife, Lord Anu having married a pair of sisters.  Enki's mother was first wife and, according to the customs of the Annunaki, Enki was regarded as first son and so the first to be wedded. The Ladies Barat An-na and Tiamat left the rearing of their boys to Lord Anu and the tutors, preferring to devote their time to the raising of Lady Tiamat's daughter, Eris. The Annunaki were matrilineal and the bloodlines flowed through the women. It was Eris who would be continuing their bloodline and so it was of vital importance that she be trained to deal with all matters related to their house. Each house had its own methods, practices and secrets and the women were the guardians of that knowledge.
They reached the outskirts of the city and spying the tournament grounds, steered their bonded over. Setting down they examined the grounds inch by inch, looking over the spectator stands, the distance of the targets, the obstacles for the flight competition and the area for the tournament the warriors most looked forward to; combat. Two opposing Annunaki and their dragons would fly at each other from opposite ends of the field each armed with a flaming sword and shield. The objective being dislodging the competitor from his or her bonded. Fighting was fierce and injuries common, with death being an accepted risk.
Enki and Enlil studied the shields posted on the tournament lists to better know who they would be facing, each of the major houses were represented as well as each city faction. In this, the nobility and commoners were equal, anyone could emerge the victor. It was a source of pride for each faction and much time went on training their best fighters with mini-competitions held throughout the year, the victor then going on to compete in the tournament. Each faction had their own emblem and insignia with their industry displayed on their shield. Thus the garment faction had a loom, the food a winnow of wheat, the goldsmiths a nugget of gold. The noble houses had animals or objects found in nature as their insignia, passed down through the women. Lord Anu's house which was House Samael was a two-headed eagle looking forwards and backwards, in reference to the unique abilities found in their bloodline
"Each of the 12 houses are represented this year, looks like House Daemon have found a warrior", Enlil snorted. It was not unusual for several years to pass between Houses entering their champions as each house had a limited number of children, the children must pass through several years of training and puberty and then face their 3 trials before being deemed fit to take part. Each champion could only compete once in their lifetime, so if a House had a gap in the age of their children, then they would not be represented in the tournament. 
"It was gracious of the council to allow father to enlist us both" Enki observed, studying the lists and two shields: one under House Samael for Enlil and the other under House Nata for himself.
"They had no choice, I came of age last year, but because we were commanded to remain on Tiamut it is only right they allow us both to compete"
"I could compete next year."
"No, I overheard Father and Belil talking in his study. The council is anxious it is taking so long to find a method to harvest the crops. Food supply is running low on Nibiru. We will not be able to return until supply lines are established, they're guessing 5 to 7 years. Besides, it hasn’t been settled, should you chose to not be betrothed to your intended bride, you will not be able to compete under her family shield."
"As you never fail to delight in reminding me."
"Rather you than me" Enlil said, playfully aiming his sword then swinging as if to strike his brother’s head off his shoulders.
 Enki ducked, then looked up momentarily distracted by a red blur hurtling towards the city centre looking though it were poised to strike a blow at the heart of the Annunaki before pulling up at the last second and heading off west, "Oh, we'd better get back. Father will be angry if we keep him waiting."
"Let's go meet that bride of yours. I wager you will be compelled to find a second wife before the first year's out. Our mothers have their designs upon this one." Enlil said with a grim nod in the direction of House Nata's shield on the lists: a serpent eating its own tail.

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